Notre Dame tries to bring in high quality entertainment once a year, and this year it was Cake. After the LicketyShip photo-op, Sarah and I headed to campus to see Cake perform. Akon (singer of Lonely) started off the show with a lot of energy and had everyone singing 'ghetto' for a chorus:
Akon: I love to live in the...
ND Students: ...Ghetto
Akon: I love to eat in the...
ND Students: ...Ghetto
Even the guy in front of me wearing a Polo with upturned collar joined in!
Cake came on later and sang a couple of songs no-one knew. It didn't get much better and they don't put on a great show. They did sing some good songs including, 'She's going the distance' but didn't have much energy. I seriously think the lead singer was heavily stoned at the time.
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