Sunday, January 29, 2006

'Jumbo Shopping Cart'

Check out my latest purchase; that's right - I'm officially 'urban'. For those of you living in a suburb, this is not something you see everyday. Amazon calls it a 'super shopping cart'. It's bigger than the basket, but smaller than a full size cart, and it's only allowed in big cities.

Have to walk home from the grocery store? No problem!

Need to do some laundry? Super-simple!

I've always been concerned with how cool I'd look with one of these. No worries though, I taking it to Treasure Island foods now!


John said...

You actually go to the grocery store? Amazing. I credit Sarah for reforming you.

Michael & Sarah said...

Now I'll never go without my cart!

Tom said...

I think if you'd get new rims or hydrolics on that sweet ride you'd look pretty cool and be the envy of all the old ladies you pass along the way.

Anonymous said...


it is a very nice and great post and I liek it.