Consulting: Day 1
I flew from Chicago to Minneapolis this moring on the 8:00am Northwest flight. I nearly missed my plane because right as I was getting to the front of the secuity line, the security line was moved - moved to the other end of the terminal. Evidently I am not as speedy as I could have been, since I was now at the end of the line. I got to the gate and was told that I was too late, but I managed to sneak on as they tried to give my seat away to a more deserving wait-listed passenger.
My job in Minnesota involves talking to treasury individuals in large companies and asking them, 'so, who double-checks your work again?' I attempt this with amazing tact, but understandibly, very successful business-people don't like the inference they might be (a) stealing or (b) making an error. I just try to smile!
Oh yeah, the picture is of my new Blackberry. I'll post on it, once I figure out how to work it...