So my grandparents are really old, and next month they're moving into a retirement community that provides meals and medical care called Friendship Village. Since they're over 90 - I figure they don't need to bother cooking anymore. There are so pics on the right of their new place - It's still be remodeled!
You know your grandma is old when she says, "You know I take a little longer to recover now. It's not like I'm 70 anymore..." She says this thoughtfully. And seriously.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Waterloo, Iowa

Grandpa and I are at Panera right now to take advantage of the free wireless. I'm trying to show him how cool blogging is, but he just keeps reading the Wall Street Journal. He's read about Google Talk and DaimlerChrysler - as well as credit derivatives. "What's a credit derivative?" he askes. "Well..." I say.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
New Apartment?

I applied for an apartment in Wrigleyville today. It's a one-bedroom 'conversion' with a completely new kitchen and rooms. On the 27th floor, I get a good view of the downtown skyline, Wrigley (a bit farther and higher than the pic), and even a little shoreline. I'll find out if I get it soon. Check in here for the latest details.
New Job

Here are the details: I'll work out of the Chicago office in their advisory unit working on projects that involve the treasury functions (foreign exchange, interest rate & cash management) of Fortune 500 companies. I will travel for 3-4 days a week around the midwest from Minnesota to Texas. Starting date is right after labor day weekend, otherwise know as fantasy football draft weekend!
As I'll soon be working, the unemployed blog must end - perhaps I'll put up another one in its spot.
Elephant Ear Art

Check out my Elephant Ear art that is sure to impress the kids! Instead of making the same old (boring!) large, oval sugary-sweet elephant ears - I have been working on my new 'character' ears. This one is of Casper the friendly ghost. Do you see the resemblence? Maybe next week, I'll do the ND leprechaun or Dale Earnheart Jr - sure to impress all you 'race fans'.
Friday, August 19, 2005
New Paris, Indiana
For the second weekend in a row, Sarah and I are heading down to make Elephant Ears at the New Paris Raceway. Let's hope we make more money at it this week - as last week was a wash!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The Jetta

I thought I ruined my Jetta key remote during my weekend kayaking trip, as it was in my pocket -underwater- for most of the half mile course. I guess too much water splashed in when we hit the rapids going sideways! See Sarah's blog for the picture.
It didn't work about every-other-day or so, but it's miraculously healed itself and is now working great. Thanks Volkswagen!
Here's the kayaking...

Bill Gates

Just when I get Qumana, Microsoft comes out with a Word add-in that makes it easy to post as well. Although, it kinda sucks since it doesn't automatically upload pictures.
Here's the new LicketyShip flash banner ad that you can see in the South Bend Tribune.
(Picture removed)
Sunday, August 14, 2005
I'm testing out new blogging software called Qumana. I found it as part of the google advertisements on my page. Looks like I can blog out of a Word-like software package. Much better than doing it online.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
South Bend, Indiana
Ted & Alana (MBAs) and Sarah and I braved the rapids of the East Race Waterway, the first man-made watercourse in North America. We all got a little wet, but were lucky enough to stay out of the water.

The funny part about the raceway is that it is only open for two months in the summer, when students aren't in school at Notre Dame. Nevertheless, it is highly touted as a local recreational opportunity. I remember the MBA staff listing it as a top 10.

The funny part about the raceway is that it is only open for two months in the summer, when students aren't in school at Notre Dame. Nevertheless, it is highly touted as a local recreational opportunity. I remember the MBA staff listing it as a top 10.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Lombard, Illinois

Feast your eyes on the Rand McNally Chicago Regional EasyFinder map! I've been looking for it all summer at gas stations and local stores, but could not find it. Today, I bought both the state and regional maps and didn't even mind their steep $15 price.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Wheaton, Illinois
As requested, I have updated my 'mug shot' on the right. Hopefully, I now look less like a criminal and more employable!
Wheaton, Illinois
In an attempt to boost site hits (& comments!) from the Coyer Clan, I've updated the Amazon listing for an officially licensed Minnesota Twins Jersey Bottle Opener! It's amazing the things you can get online these days - Sarah just bought 10 inflatable frog beach balls, for only $10! (Looks like she got a deal)
Golden Valley, Minnesota

Looks like Tom has some extra time on his hands at his new job - so he came up with a new blog StadiumQuest. It documents his goal to visit every MLB stadium. My only question is 'why' see them all when Wrigley is so close?
(A permanent link is on the right)
Monday, August 08, 2005
South Bend, Indiana
I captured the domain '' lately and have just gotten around to putting something up there. There's not much to see, but check it out! I had to grab it before the other Michael C Anderson's of the world grabbed it. Like this guy below - who's wanted in Nashville for attempted robbery. There's a reward if you see him and also for helping me put together my site. (We'll split the website profits 50-50!)

Thursday, August 04, 2005
1000 Hits
Minneapolis, Minnesota
"How many cigar smokers are in Chicago?" - That was the question I was asked in an interview yesterday. Since 'googleing' for the answer didn't help at all, I want to put it to all of you. According to the book The Wisdom of Crowds, a group of people's average answers can be remarkably close to the correct answer for certain questions. Please - everyone put an answer in the comments and let's see what we come up with!
Any calcluation that supports your answer is extra credit!

Any calcluation that supports your answer is extra credit!
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