Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Solid sixth entry in the Harry Potter series, building the plot for the seventh and final book where Harry will likely take out He-who-must-not-be-named (I'm too lazy to look up the spelling of the real name). Recommendation: skip all the snogging parts to the end where a main character dies!

Mr. China: Tim Clissold leaves London to pursue Private Equity investing in China. Follow him all around the country and learn about a crazy drinking game called baijiu!
In, But Not Of: Hugh Hewitt is not a person I'd like to know, as I'm sure he'd hijack every conversation. The book will help me in my world conquest though (that's next on the list as soon as I find a job.) Remember - power only goes to those that seek it. Surprise power recomendation from the book; start a blog!
Why People Believe Weird Things: This horrible book lacks any insight into why people believe weird conspiracy theories. He simply panders to the 'scientific' and 'intellectualism' of his audience by giving snickering comments to the choir.
1 comment:
I stupidly started to read this entry since i have not yet finished the book. I stopped reading though and will return to read when I finish the book...just in case it gives something away foe me. :)
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