Thursday, June 23, 2005

Winchester, Virginia

Ohhhhh-no! This weekend I am going to Notre Dame for a class reunion - not my graduating class - but for the AIM class. What's AIM? It was where we managed $3 million of Notre Dame's money and for which I covered two stocks.

One of the stocks was Trex (NYSE ticker: TWP), located in Winchester, VA. The stock chart is below. And it just blew up ... down 30% ... just one day before the reunion! Luckily, the class after me sold it off, but still, everyone's going to ask, "What stock did you cover?" I'm screwed, because I'll have to say I recommended a strong buy and we bought more.

1 comment:

John said...

Man, I hope you don't show this blog to any potential employers. Ouch.

What happened to Trex to cause such a drop?